How It Works

GuildBit works on the idea of free, temporary servers to preserve system resources, opening up more server slots which aren't being occupied. This helps lower hosting, resources and bandwidth costs. We are supported by donations and upgrades. Check out some of our upgrade options for more slots and durations.

GuildBit has been operating and providing free Mumble servers since 2013!

Set a region

Choose a server region closest to your group to minimize latency.

Set a duration

Choose a duration for the server. From 1 to 4 hours. The less hours you use, the more resources open up for others. :)

Set a password

Password protected servers are required as servers are reused.

Connection Details

Share the connection details, or use the copy feature to copy/paste the credentials directly. The server page also lists users in room and displays the expiration countdown. You may also extend the server duration up to 3 times!

Share the connection details, or use the copy feature to copy/paste the credentials
            directly. The server page also monitors users in room (including subchannels) and displays the expiration countdown.

Clicking direct link opens Mumble and connects to server

Clicking direct link opens Mumble and connects to server

Connected to Mumble with users in lobby

Connected to Mumble with users in lobby

Server page live updates with users in server as well as server timer expiration

Server page live updates with users in server as well as server timer expiration

Server page updates when Mumble server expires

Server page updates when Mumbe server expires


How is it free?
Donations and paid upgrades. Thanks for your support!
Why temporary servers?
The idea is targeted towards gamers who need a quick Mumble server for their group or raid without the hassle of setting up their own, or subscribing to a service. The server expires to not only save on resources, but to free up the slot for others.
Why only 15 slots?
Check out the upgrades page if you're looking for more than 15 slots.
Why can't I use the same port when creating a server?
Servers are created according to the next port available.
Why only offer Mumble and not Ventrilo or TeamSpeak?
Mumble is free and open-source software. So it doesn't cost me any licensing fees to host Mumble servers or offer it as a service.
Do you offer premium upgrades?
Yes! We now offer server upgrades via Paypal to increase slot count, duration, subchannels and a SuperUser admin capabilities. Click here to get started.
What is a SuperUser?
A SuperUser is an admin account on your Mumble server to grant permissions and roles to users and groups as well as setting up channels. This feature is only available on upgraded servers.
Do you plan on offering other methods of payment?
We're looking into alternate payment options.
How can I contribute?

Purchase upgrades! Click here to get started.

We accept donations, including Bitcoin! :) This keeps us going.

Are you a developer? Check out the Murmur-REST project on Github and contribute!

Help us improve or add translations. Contact us for more details!

How can I contact you?
Feel free to use the contact form to report any bugs or to contact me with any questions or comments!